I'm Pregnant, Where do I even begin?

Finding out you are pregnant is SUCH an exciting time. I remember the excitement the morning I took my first positive pregnancy test (along with slight fear, naturally, haha). After sharing the exciting news with my husband, Kyle, I had so many questions. I gave him a pair of Nike's 'dad shoes' to break the news that he was going to be a dad.

Where do I start?

Who will my Doctor be?

What is a doula or midwife?

What do I need to buy?


I'm certain that you have similar or the same questions that I had on that early Sunday morning. Enjoy the excitement, share it with your loved ones, and get ready for an amazing time!


First things first

Confirming your pregnancy with an OBGYN or midwife was the first on my list. Usually, however, you won't have this appointment until you are 8-10 weeks pregnant. Day 1 is the day that your last cycle began, not the day of conception. We ended up going in too early as we thought I was farther along than I was. I had to go back 2 weeks later for another ultrasound. The baby was just a little dot on the image - still adorable and made me smile. That is for sure! I have listed my OBGYN (who I am obsessed with) and a few others that my friends have had great experiences with, in Jacksonville, below.

OBGYN in Jacksonville, Florida

This is where I personally will be having my care. I have met two of the MD's so far and adore them both. I will be meeting them all during my pregnancy since I won't know who will be on call when I go into labor. They are located at Baptist Beaches and I will deliver at Baptist Beaches also.

Beaches OBGYN

smiling newborn baby girl swaddled with a big pink bow

What is a Doula and Midwife?

A doula is: a woman, typically, without formal obstetric training, who is employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor. A doula is a childbirth coach. A doula will typically begin to work with you a few months before your baby is born and help create your birth plan. She will be present during delivery with you. Studies do show that working with a doula show improved positive labor experiences along with women less likely to have pain medication administered and less likely to have a cesarean birth. Overall, working with a doula averages shorter labor times by 25%, decreases requests for epidural by 60%, and use of oxytocin by 40%.

A midwife is: a licensed healthcare provider who is a trained personnel who attends childbirth and assists expectant women by supporting them during labor and delivery and supervising the general care of the infant and the mother directly after birth. You could choose to use a midwife instead of an OB for your prenatal care and delivery. A midwife can deliver your newborn in a hospital, birth center, or the comfort of your own home. Midwives believe in facilitating natural childbirth as much as possible. They also have decreased risk of cesarean birth, labor induction and augmentation, use of regional anesthesia, infant mortality rates, risk of pre-term birth.

newborn baby girl in a basket with pink swaddle draped gently over her
pregnant belly on jacksonville beach with parents hands making a heart
newborn baby butt with big pink bow and lace

What do I need?

SO MUCH it seems like, doesn't it?! We began by clearing out a room and getting recommendations and registries from friend with young children. The registry is a whole beast I will cover in another post. As for now in your pregnancy, make sure you have a good prenatal vitamin you are taking. I am on a brand called Needed. and I also have a DHA I am taking since my prenatals do not have that in them.

As for your comfort - I will definitely be getting a pregnancy pillow soon. I have been sleeping comfortably so far but now that I am starting to show (at 15 weeks), I know the belly is going to get in the way, haha!

I also got some pregnancy books. I have been reading Bumpin' by Leslie Schrock and What to Eat when youre Pregnant by Nicole M Avena, PHD. Both of these have given me great information for staying healthy, what to expect in each trimester, and changes to expect.

Announcement & Maternity Photos

Last, if you are wanting announcement or maternity photos - you can contact me at the form below! I would recommend having an ultrasound photo before your announcement photos. Couples announce at all different times but usually in the second trimester. We announced at 11 weeks because we were so excited and our photos were done.

If you are interested in maternity photos to show off your belly - I recommend these between 30-32 weeks. Your belly will be showing but not so much you are uncomfortable at this point. Reach out to me at least by 20 weeks so we can get you scheduled when it is best for you!

pregnancy announcement in jacksonville beach sunrise with parents holding a baby outfit with due date
pregnant woman on the beach at sunset with pretty red dress

ENJOY your pregnancy!